Technology is everywhere—from countless social media platforms and new shows to binge watch, to the tools we’re expected to interact with each day as students and professionals. All too often, it can seem like technology is inescapable. While technology offers many benefits, it can also be mentally and emotionally draining. Check out our tips for disconnecting and recharging your mental batteries with a digital detox.
1. Flip a Page
Once you leave your phone behind, you’ll quickly realize just how much time you spend scrolling the latest social media trends on Instagram and playing Candy Crush. It may even leave you wondering how to pass the time. Before you begin your tech-free time, head to a library or bookstore and find a few books. Spend this extra time diving in between the pages of a book and get lost in a different world. It will help stimulate your brain without all the blue light noise.
2. Write it Down
Starting a daily journal is not only a perfect way to pass more time wisely—but can help document your digital detox experience. Write about how it feels to be disconnected when you first start your detox and then how you feel at the end of it. Using the right pen will help make this experience even better. The Sarasa Grand Retractable Pen is sleek and features quick drying gel ink that glides across the page. For a more durable writing experience, try the G-350 Gel Retractable Pen, which features three fashionable colored barrels and a metal clip—so you’ll never lose your favorite pen.
3. Work it Out
Whether you want to escape for a few hours or a few days, getting outside is the perfect destination away from the temptation of technology. Take a walk or hike through nature to clear your head and refocus your mind—just make sure to leave the phone (and earphones) at home. Nature is one of the few technology-free places that exist and can be soul healing if you let it.
4. Out of Sight
“Out of sight, out of mind” is one of the easiest ways to disconnect. Stash all of your tech devices away somewhere you won’t be able to physically see it, like in a closet or dresser drawer. Then, fill your day with technology-free activities. Before you know it, you will be focused on everything else and you won’t even remember that your phone isn’t at your side. Putting away these devices at least once a week can help keep you from feeling burnt out and overstimulated.
5. Time to Shut Down
Like a trusty guard dog, your phone probably rests right next to you every night when you go to sleep. However, this practice can have negative consequences. Studies have shown that blue light tricks your brain into thinking it is daytime, making falling asleep more difficult. To avoid this, put away your phone two hours before your bedtime. Aim to incorporate this practice into your daily routine for maximum results—just make sure you purchase an old school alarm clock so you don’t oversleep. Soon enough, you won’t even miss the mindless scrolling before bed.
6. Let People Know
If you plan on digital detoxing for more than a few hours, make sure to let those closest to you know that you are going off the grid. This way, those who love you won’t be panicking when you don’t answer your texts for a few days. Plus, if there is an emergency, they will know to contact you in a different way. It will also allow you to enjoy your tech-free time without worrying about who may be trying to contact you. You may even inspire those closest to you to take some time to disconnect, as well.
7. Setting Limits When You Use Your Devices
While completely turning away from tech devices is beneficial, it’s not practical, or even possible, to do all of the time. Luckily, there are many steps you can take to limit your screen time even when your phone is with you. Turning off push notifications on your most used apps, limiting yourself to one screen at a time, and spring cleaning who you’re following on social media can all help your stress levels, without giving up all of your screen time.
Technology can be mentally draining and stressful. Try to find a few minutes or hours every day to disconnect and recharge. With the help of these tips, you’ll feel recharged and ready to take on the next day.